Around 400 pupils, staff and parents from Winchester College climbed thousands of metres for a Nepalese charity.

They completed the stair climbing challenge on Saturday, June 17, for the school’s international charity, Stay at School Nepal.

The charity helps to build sustainable boarding houses to reduce the pupil drop-out rate, which in some parts of eastern Nepal is 75 per cent. 

Students often have to make dangerous four-hour daily journeys to attend school. 

The funds raised will be used to build a farm for one of the new girls' boarding houses, plus they will pay the salary of a matron to look after the girls. 

Hampshire Chronicle: Winchester College charity challenge

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Following a route decorated with traditional Nepali prayer flags and tablecloths, participants collectively climbed 55,189 vertical metres.

Pupils and staff from the college’s pringle squad of CCF cadets also ran a 3k course, each carrying 10kg of sand in a rucksack or 15kg in a traditional Nepali ‘Doko’ basket, accompanied by three Ghurkas. The run aimed to recreate the Doko Run, which is used to select Ghurkas.

Hampshire Chronicle: Winchester College charity challenge

The aim of the college’s charities committee is to raise £8,850, or one pound per metre of Everest’s height. 

To donate, visit