Perfect Pitch concerts at St Cross Hospital Chapel continue to provide a platform for young musicians, and eight students from St Swithun's School excelled in a varied programme on Thursday June 22.

Celia Fletcher, Edith Lai, Clare Spearing, Sasha Debont, Annabel Josey, Emma Pang, Louisa Paterson and Nina Papastathi all performed with confidence and showed considerable musicianship. 

The appreciative audience enjoyed beautiful liquid tone in a Sarabande by Grovlez for clarinet - ethereal and haunting violin from Szymanowski - excellent ensemble playing in a clarinet trio by Mendelssohn. 

READ MORE: Review: Musical 'excellence' at Pilgrims' School concert

Songs by Schumann and Schubert followed, featuring Annabel Josey, whose clear and mature voice shows great promise.

The Courante from J S Bach's Sixth Cello Suite worked well for clarinet and Clare Spearing handled the acoustic very well, with unforced tone and good articulation. Five pieces for violin duo and piano by Shostakovich performed wonderfully and with great character by Louisa Paterson, Nina Papastathi and Emma Pang brought to an end an excellent concert, confirming music at St Swithun's is thriving.

Perfect Pitch lunchtime concerts at St Cross continue every Thursday at 12.30pm until the end of October.

Review by Graham Davies