A FATHER has complained following a two-year long search for a school place for his daughter.

Derek Kent has been searching for somewhere to send his 12-year-old daughter Rowena after she left school in Southampton two years ago due to not feeling safe and comfortable. She was home-schooled while Derek searched for a new place for her in Southampton without success.

Rowena has this week found a place at Swanmore College after the family moved to Curdridge. Derek said: “It is a big relief. She needs to spend time with her own age at school. It is a really good outcome.”

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However, he still believes that the family had to search for two years to find a place is unacceptable.

Derek said: “Because of non-attendance for more than two years, I think someone should be looking at our situation with a bit more of a priority really.

“We’re living in a village with three or four schools within a stone's throw almost, within an easy commute but there’s no spaces in those schools. So, there we go, we’re living in a country where, if your daughters the wrong age or you’re not very good at navigating an IT system, then you can fall through the net. And that seems to be what’s happened.”

Swanmore College told the Chronicle: “Our waiting lists are managed by Hampshire County Council and ourselves and we are obliged to follow strict criteria and procedures to ensure fairness for all applicants.

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“Our intake each year is 270 pupils and for September 2023 we have offered to 270 pupils and currently have a waiting list of 51 children.”

A Hampshire County Council spokesperson said: “While we are unable to comment in detail on individual cases, we are pleased to advise that a school place has now been confirmed for the child concerned, following a short wait. We would add that, in situations where school place applications are made during the academic year, not all schools will immediately have vacancies.

“In a situation where schools are full, the County Council ensures that children are added to waiting lists, where appropriate, as well as offering to parents a right of appeal and information about other schools in the locality. This process is consistently managed according to published advice, and in line with the School Admissions Code.”