The dedication ceremony of the newly-commissioned Royal Army Pay Corps memorial took place at the National Memorial Arboretum last week.

A warm day with bright sunshine greeted the 150 veterans from the Royal Army Pay Corps who attended the ceremony and later enjoyed afternoon tea on Wednesday June 14.

The memorial commemorates the members of the Royal Army Pay Corps who served their country in peacetime and on operations. 

The Royal Army Pay Corps, based at Worthy Down near Winchester, amalgamated into the Adjutant General's Corps in 1992.

READ MORE: Royal Logistic Corps soldiers parade in Winchester

The ceremony was led by retired Colonel Alan Brown, president of the Royal Army Pay Corps Regimental Association. He explained in detail the history of the corps and how it evolved over the centuries.

During the service, Rev Graham Topping, chaplain to the Mayor of Winchester, led the short service to dedicate the memorial.

After the service the veterans and their families retired to the Aspects Building for an afternoon tea and a catch-up with friends.

Retired Major Joseph Bright said: “It was a wonderful service attended by those who had served their country in the Royal Army Pay Corps, and their families. Many had travelled long distances to be there for this historic event. The memorial is a fitting tribute to all who served in the Royal Army Pay Corps, and it was an honour to be there.”