Now the dust has settled after the recent elections we, as your newly elected Liberal Democrat Councillors, know it would not have been possible to be elected without the belief and trust of most Abbey Ward residents.

To those who voted for us, thank you.

To those who didn’t, we are here to represent everyone in Abbey irrespective of their political beliefs.

These elections saw the introduction of Voter ID by this Conservative Government. In view of the minuscule number of prosecutions of voter fraud in the last decade, we feel it is unjustified, unnecessary and undemocratic. We thank all who voted at a polling station for making the effort to look out or obtain an acceptable form of ID.

To those who couldn’t vote because they either didn’t have acceptable ID or were turned away at the polling station, we recommend for future elections (including the next General Election) you complete a permanent Postal Vote Application form or obtain a free Voter Authority Certificate.  Both are obtainable from Test Valley Borough Council.

If you require help, please contact either the Borough Council on 01264 368000 or Alternatively, please contact an Abbey Ward Councillor.

The Liberal Democrats campaign yielded the best performance at the borough council elections and resulted in us winning the popular vote by 46 per cent compared to the Conservative’s lesser 43 per cent. We are extremely disappointed that the current “First Past The Post” (FPTP) voting system failed all those who voted Liberal Democrat in Test Valley. There are other countless examples throughout the country where the so called “winning” party did not secure the popular vote. We, along with most opposition parties and campaign groups like “Make Votes Matter” and “Electoral Reform”, are campaigning for Proportional Representation (PR), where every vote counts. Had every vote counted in last month’s borough council election, the Liberal Democrats would have won control of Test Valley.

Cllrs Colin Burgess, John Critchley, Ian Culley, Nik Daas, Sandra Gidley, Simon Wilkinson

Romsey Town Council and Test Valley Borough Council

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