The Pilgrims' School Winchester is noted for the excellence of its music, being the educational base for the Cathedral Choristers and Winchester College Quiristers. 

On Thursday June 8, 11 pupils gave an excellent and varied programme at St Cross Hospital Chapel, sensitively accompanied by Chris Burton - assistant director of music at the school.

The appreciative audience enjoyed performances on violin, oboe, flute, cello, clarinet, piano, double bass and trumpet, which illustrates the range of instruments taught and composers ranged from Vivaldi, Bach and Mozart to Granados, Debussy and Morricone.

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The overall standard of all pupils was outstanding, especially considering their youth and it would be unfair to single out any one performance over another. Everyone played with accuracy, musical expression and excellent tuning and demonstrated overall confidence; a great credit to their teachers.

Perfect Pitch concerts at St Cross are all about encouraging young musicians by providing a platform and encouragement.

Concerts continue every Thursday at 12.30pm until October 26.

Review by Graham Davies