The excellent senior choir of Twyford School under director David Hall gave a delightful lunchtime concert in St Cross Chapel last Thursday, May 25.

Twyford School is a 'Singing School' and the choir lead worship on weekday mornings and undertake an ambitious agenda of public performances all year round and also tours abroad.

The concert included contrasting songs and solo items, which were sung with much expression and enthusiasm, always producing a pure tone, such a delight to hear in young voices. 

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There were solo singers, pianists and a trumpeter, all of whom played with confidence and showing much musical potential.

The Perfect Pitch concert series continues to showcase aspiring young music makers and under the inspiration of David Hall and Conductor Emily Woodcock, Twyford School senior choir could not be in better hands.

Perfect Pitch lunchtime concerts continue free on Thursdays at 12.30pm in The Chapel of St Cross.

Review by Graham Davies