WINCHESTER Cathedral has launched a competition to name the three-week-old peregrine chick hatched on its roof.

Winnie’s one and only chick emerged on April 30 but is still yet to be named.

The young female peregrine is growing quickly, with a weight of 810g as of Friday, May 19 morning.

READ MORE: Winchester Cathedral peregrine chick growing fast at two weeks old

The cathedral is now asking the public to comment their name suggestions on its Facebook post, with the winning entry to be chosen at the end of next week.

There is no limit on the number of times people can comment with different name ideas.

Current contenders include 'Melesina' after Melesina Trench, ‘Angel’, ‘Betty’ after Elizabeth Montague, ‘Willow’ and ‘Geronimo’.

Winnie had two chicks last year, named Elizabeth and George, who flew the nest in August.

Keith Betton, chair of the Hampshire Ornithological Society, has inspected the chick this week and removed the other eggs that did not hatch.

Mr Betton expects the peregrine to be “running around the gulley” in around two weeks.