THE public has another chance to have a say on a major redevelopment near Winchester.

Bushfield Camp has been unused since the Ministry of Defence vacated the site south of Badger Farm in the 1970s.

Now the landowner, the Church Commissioners, with developer Legal & General Investment Management and Gisborne, is proposing a business park on the footprint of the army base. Much of the area would be retained as open space and managed to enhance its chalk downland.

There may also be public spaces, community hubs and sports pitches.

The developers are finalising plans and are holding consultations on Friday May 19 from 3-7pm at The Refectory, Great Minster Street and Saturday May 20 at Badger Farm Community Centre from 11am–3pm.

READ MORE HERE: Campaign to prevent development at former army base

Consultations have been held and the public have given feedback. Many accept some development on the land which in the 1980s was earmarked for a new superstore.

The local city councillor Brian Laming said members of the public have concerns including the height of the buildings which could be up to three storeys.

An outline planning application is expected this summer.

Winchester Action on the Climate Crisis is concerned any development will add to emissions and also hit biodiversity.

WinACC says: "If there is to be a development, it needs to be designed, built and used to produce:

* a world class development, a beacon and exemplar which our great-grandchildren will be proud of;

* no net reduction of biodiversity (noting that brownfield land can be better for biodiversity than greenfield;

* no net increase of transport emissions;

* a net reduction in Winchester’s greenhouse gas emissions overall.

Hampshire Chronicle:

Bushfield Camp looking south towards Badger Farm Road. Photo: Andrew Napier

SEE MORE: Countryside campaigners call for housing at Bushfield Camp

A campaign has been started to prevent any development on the site off Badger Farm Road. Although technically in planning terms now classed as 'brownfield' land the opponents say the fact that it has been largely untouched for more than 50 years means it should now be considered 'greenfield'.

Extinction Rebellion's local group is opposed and in a statement earlier this year it said: "At Bushfield Camp, there are records of many important species such as the common lizard, slow worm, tawny owl, woodpecker and badger many of which now heavily rely on the site."

Part of the site was earmarked several years ago in the city council local plan as suitable for business development.

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