In response to Andy Lester's recent article about protest to protect the environment, it does seem to have become a constant struggle for those of us who are concerned about the scale of development everywhere. 

The pressure to build more houses and nervousness about standing up to expansion or builders with strong financial backing, is strong and unremitting.

For example, there is an area of regenerated woodland in Bishop's Waltham north of Rareridge Lane, that has been left undisturbed to mature over many years and has become a rich wildlife haven. It is also adjacent to the national park (and arguably should have been included). 

Yet, with virtually no consultation, we now have proposals to build 100 houses in the draft district plan, supported by the parish council.

What the local residents do? In an ideal world, there would be a sensible debate about the balance between development and carbon capture, alongside environmental protection. But it doesn’t work like that, and residents are often are left with a feeling of powerlessness.

Jos Creese,
Rareridge Lane,
Bishop's Waltham 

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