A WINCHESTER community centre is hosting an art exhibition in a university gallery to raise money and awareness of the service.

Nearly 50 local artists have signed up to help the Carroll Centre in its event and support its mission of helping people through the cost-of-living crisis.

From May 12 to 14 paintings, illustrations, sculptures and glasswork will be on show in the University of Winchester’s West Downs Art Gallery in Romsey Road.

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The art weekend begins with a ticketed private viewing, including drinks and canapes, from 6-9pm on the Friday before the exhibition opens up for free to the public from 10am-4pm on Saturday and Sunday.

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Proceeds from the open evening, the artists’ entry fees and 30 per cent of any artwork sales will go towards the community centre in Stanmore.

Chair of the trustees, Barbara Guthrie, said: “It’s a fundraising exercise as well as raising awareness. It’s very important that people get to know the centre. Against the cost-of-living crisis there’s been so much stress and the centre has been very much at the forefront of helping people through it.

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“The food pantry needs quite a funding and a lot of children at the children are also on assisted places so any extra money will go there. We’re also raising money to install raised beds in the garden so children can learn about growing vegetables.

“We’ve been very fortunate, I’m amazed at the number of artists who contacted us. So many of them responded so positively and said that they wanted to get involved because it’s such a good cause and they wanted to be a part of it – so that feels very special. The university has also been incredibly generous in providing a venue and refreshments.”

Tickets for the Friday evening viewing are available for £25 at eventbrite.co.uk/e/community-art-exhibition-tickets-601410413737. No booking is required for the rest of the weekend.