A WINCHESTER house once proposed for demolition will instead see two houses built on its back garden.

Planners have approved the proposal for homes at Beechwood, a late Victorian property, in Worthy Road, Abbotts Barton.

The scheme by local developer Millgate sparked seven objections from neighbours on Abbey Hill Close and Salcot Road who said the houses are too large and overbearing.

In 2019 it was proposed that Beechwood should be knocked down and the whole site re-developed with four houses. But Millgate thought again and instead have kept the house with the two new houses, a three-bed and a five-bed.

READ MORE HERE: Preservation watchdogs concerns about demolition of large Winchester house

Although the plot is not in the Winchester Conservation Area it is considered a 'non-designated heritage asset'.

Objector David Whitmarsh addressed the planning committee and said: "We do not oppose the construction of dwellings but we object to these. The new houses are unreasonably tall in relation to the surrounding properties. The proposed houses are much taller than the neighbouring houses on a site of rising ground. They will be overly-dominant."

Lynne Evans, planning agent speaking in favour of the development, said Millgate has a "strong track record of building high-quality homes that fit in with Winchester."

She said Beechwood was one of the few remaining original properties and most had either been knocked down or seen their garden redeveloped.

Cllr Jane Rutter said: "I commend the developers for working with residents and being constructive and being prepared to change the design."

Cllr Frank Pearson said his first thought was that the scheme was over-development but said if did in fact fit in with the pattern of the area, "It would be perverse the turn this down."

The nine-member committee voted unanimously in favour.