ADOPT SOUTH is seeking to find loving and compassionate homes for two girls who sadly cannot live with their birth families.

Ashley and Layla are two girls who have been waiting for a while to find families to take them in as their own.

Both girls have had difficult starts in life, with situations affecting their trust and understanding of relationships with adults.

They are in need of parents with empathy and a caring approach to meet their needs.

Charity Adopt South is reaching out to find families in Hampshire who can provide the right support for these two girls.

Ashley, six, is affectionate and enjoys time at the park and playing with her school friends, as well as making crafts with her foster carers and their grandchildren.Hampshire Chronicle:

She needs lots of adult interaction and encouragement, as she can find it difficult at times to concentrate on her own. Sometimes when she gets upset or frustrated, she may act younger than her years as she doesn’t always understand how to control her feelings

Adopt South said that Ashley loves to be cuddled and will enjoy a little time watching TV or using her tablet before she gets ready to settle down for bedtime.

Layla, five, is very active and likes to be busy, she enjoys spending time playing at the park and riding her scooter, working out puzzles and reading stories.

She enjoys school, sports, and playing with her dolls.

Layla has partial hearing and wears hearing aids in both ears, at times, she needs support so she can concentrate on activities or learning.Hampshire Chronicle:

Adopt South is now searching for suitable adoptive parents, who might have experience working with, or caring for, children with additional needs, or a strong support network such as family, friends, community or faith groups.

Rachel Reynolds, head of Adopt South, said: "We are raising awareness to find forever homes for Ashley and Layla, they are lovely little girls who deserve compassionate parents who have time to listen to them and understand how to make them feel content and happy."

Adopt South welcomes conversations with people of all backgrounds, including individuals who are single, over 40 years of age, LGBTQ+, and those who already have families with children.

For more information about Ashley and Layla, contact Adopt South by calling 0300 3000 011, or by visiting their Facebook or Instagram pages.