A WINCHESTER business owner is in “shock” after being hit by a woman riding an e-scooter in the High Street.

Steve Lucas, 44, is relieved that it was him and not an elderly person or child in the crash, walking away with only minor injuries.

Mr Lucas was hit from behind by a woman, believed to be in her 50s, who was illegally riding her e-scooter when she lost control around 3.40pm on Tuesday, March 7. The victim was “sent flying” outside NatWest bank.

Steve said: “I heard something coming and a split second later there was a bang on my back and I hit the floor. I thought I broke my shoulder. I turned around and saw the person who hit me also on the floor.

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“The rider sheepishly said sorry then after I took a photo of her and said I was calling the police she then got up and sped away down the High Street in the Guildhall direction. Essentially it was a hit and run.

“I was surprised by her age. It was a proper whack that sent me flying and I am absolutely amazed that I didn’t break anything. I was heavily bruised but more so surprised that I’d been hit and was okay and shocked that she disappeared.

“If she hit someone else it could have been different. I want people to be educated that e-scooters aren’t legal in public spaces and motorised vehicles are not safe in pedestrian areas.

“If they legislated them I’d probably look at getting one myself but the right laws needs to be in place. They are a great thing but only for cycle routes and roads.”

SEE ALSO: Calls for e-scooters to be introduced in Winchester amid concerns the city's transport network is 'behind the times'

Steve’s rucksack cushioned the blow but the businessman said he took two weeks to process what had happened to him.

A spokesperson for Hampshire Police said they are not releasing any images at this time and officers haven’t indicated any similar incidents in Winchester.

Anyone with information on the crash should call 101 quoting the incident number 44230092860.

Steve has shared his experience on the Facebook group Winchester Rants advising the culprit and anyone else with an e-scooter to “put the thing way” because next time they might hit someone who is less “fit and resilient”.

E-scooters are only permitted on private land with the permission of the land owner.