WINCHESTER Cathedral's resident peregrine laid two more eggs over the last few days.

After laying her first egg on March 22, Winnie laid her second on March 24 and her third on March 27.

Winnie had two chicks last year, named Elizabeth and George, who flew the nest in August.

Writing on the Winchester Cathedral website on March 27, Keith Betton, chairman of the Hampshire Ornithological Society, said: “Overnight Winnie laid her third egg, the second having arrived on Friday.

READ MORE: Winchester Cathedral peregrine lays first egg of the year

“She is now into her incubation period which will see her keeping the eggs warm enough to allow the embryos to develop. There may still be a fourth egg to be laid later this week. Quite often that will never hatch as it is lagging two days behind all of the others.

“William will occasionally cover the eggs when Winnie is away for short breaks – often first thing in the morning after a long overnight shift

“We can expect these eggs to hatch in the last week of April.”

Mr Betton has been monitoring the peregrines over the last few years.

To watch the two cathedral peregrine cameras, visit