AN all-new electric bus is out and about in Winchester

The single deck vehicle is being trialled by the city council in partnership with Stagecoach. 

The prototype vehicle, manufactured by Volvo, will be used for four weeks on park and ride and evaluated for performance, comfort and effectiveness.

Charged by portable charger at the depot, the bus also employs regenerative braking to capture the kinetic energy that is generated while the vehicle decelerates or comes to a standstill. Each seat of the automatic vehicle has an in-built charger for mobile phones.

READ MORE: Winchester electric bus trial delayed due to worldwide shortage

Cllr Kelsie Learney, cabinet member for the climate emergency, said: “It’s vital to reduce emissions of CO2 and tackle the great challenge of decarbonising the Winchester district as part of the wider issue of addressing climate change. 

“Electric vehicles not only produce less carbon but are cleaner and quieter, improving the air quality and experience of being in city centres.

“This bus trial provides an exciting opportunity to assess the potential of electric vehicles for the park and ride service and how they can contribute to our top priority to become greener, faster ahead of a renewal of our vehicle contract in April 2024.”  

James O’Neill, commercial director for Stagecoach South, said: “It’s great to be working in partnership with Winchester City Council on the electric bus trial. The city council share our vision for driving net zero and we’re thrilled to be embarking on this project to make Winchester a greener place to live and work.”