AN Asian food cafe in Winchester has applied for its second expansion in seven months.

Jo Lao, from Bento Factory, wants to expand into another unit in St Thomas Street, after plans were permitted in August for it to move from number 1 to 3.

The latest application is for it to mrge 3 and 2 St Thomas Street.

Bento Factory serves a variety of Asian dishes such as sushi and kimbap and Vietnamese coffee. 

The application is to combine units 2/3 and change of use from retail to cafe/restaurant with minor internal alterations and ventilation.

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Hampshire Chronicle:

On the planning statement, it said: “The proposal is to convert the existing retail space of numbers 2 and 3 into a café and restaurant with tables to eat in and serving takeaway options. This space would be to accommodate the Bento Factory, which is a successful small business which has outgrown its very small existing premises one door up the road at number 1.

“No works are proposed to the facades and the internal amendments are limited to work on modern elements of the building, with the addition of a historic opening between units 2 and 3 being re-opened.

“The existing residential use will remain as is on the upper floors. 

“The proposal sensitively converts the existing with no materially effect on the setting of the nearby Listed Buildings or the character of the Conservation Area while making a positive contribution to a thriving local business.”

No public comments in support or objection have been submitted to Winchester City Council.

To view details of the application online, search 23/00273/LIS on the city council's planning portal.