AN environmental action group gave speeches at a café in Winchester on the climate emergency and the need for civil resistance.

Just Stop Oil led its first Winchester meeting on Thursday, March 9 at Projects Café in Middle Brook Street.

Around 35 people attended and heard why the group believes direct action is the only option left to pressure the government into stopping fossil fuel licensing and production.

Event organiser and former Easyjet pilot George Hibberd, 29, said: “We are on target for total global societal collapse according to the UN. We are asking Winchester, our judiciary, our media and our government to pick a side. Support us and join us to call for no new oil and gas or choose to be complicit. We can no longer stay silent whilst the likes of Shell profit from the destruction of everything we love.”

READ MORE: Environment activist to host Winchester meeting for Just Stop Oil

Hampshire Chronicle:

Just Stop Oil representative Hazel Agombar, from Hyde, shared why she resorted to direct action and ended up being arrested for blocking a road in London. Hazel, 53, said: “The turning point for me came during the heatwave. I suddenly woke up to the urgency of the situation facing us. Our politicians are hell-bent on taking us in the wrong direction. I am so fearful for our children’s future. I’ve come to the conclusion that civil resistance is now critical. Being part of a movement, like Just Stop Oil, is just about the only thing that brings me hope.”

Keynote speaker Di Bligh said: “How did we let it get like this? And given that we have, how can we act with most love and concern for those suffering now in the Global South, and future generations throughout the world?”

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After the talks participants discussed how they could get involved. Daisy, from St Cross, who attended with her baby son, said: “I was frightened to be reminded of the stark reality we face and moved to hear the risks people are taking for our collective future. I’m supporting Just Stop Oil with a regular donation.”

Winchester resident Eileen White said: “It was a truly moving and deeply profound evening.”

A follow-up meeting will take place on Thursday, March 16 from 6.30pm at the Bishop on the Bridge Pub in Winchester High Street. The session is free to attend and open to anyone.

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