A FUNDRAISING fayre is being held to boost not-for-profit organisations across the Winchester district.

The free event, organised by Community First with support from Winchester City Council, takes place on Friday, March 17 from 8.30am to 3.30pm at Winchester Vineyard Church in Bar End.

The fayre will feature presentations from national, regional and local funders in the morning and training workshops in the afternoon, with the aim of helping organisations maximise their funding potential.

Presenters include experts from the National Lottery, Hampshire Isle of Wight Community Foundation and the county council, who will lead question and answer sessions.

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There will also be networking opportunities, voluntary sector market stalls and a free lunch, courtesy of Winchester healthy eating café MUNCH CIC.

Participants can sign up for two online workshops in the lead-up to the fayre. The first workshop, on March 8, will look at financial stability while the second, on March 14, will explore how to make use of volunteers.

Community First chief executive Tim Houghton said: “Many charities and community groups need to access new funding to deliver the vital support and help they're providing in our communities. 

“The Winchester Funding Fayre is an ideal opportunity for organisations to engage with funders to inform their analysis and understanding of local needs and to increase their chances of success when submitting bids. It's also a great opportunity to network with prospective partners to further strengthen bids and services.”

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City council cabinet member for inclusion and engagement, Cllr Kathleen Becker, said: “We have many brilliant not-for-profit organisations in Winchester who work tirelessly to support our district – and the help they provide can be a lifeline for many of our residents. 

"That's why we have our own grant funding programme, and why we support events like these. We hope to enable and empower charities and community groups in our district to make the most of funding opportunities and continue their vital work.”

For tickets go to eventbrite.co.uk/e/winchester-funding-fayre-tickets-539367491687.

Pre-event workshops can be booked on Community First’s website at cfirst.org.uk/training/?query=winchester+funding+fayre.

Anyone with questions about the fayre can contact Bruce White on 07384 115 320 or by emailing bruce.white@cfirst.org.uk.