PLANNING specialist Andrew Burgess Planning has announced that planning permission has been granted for a self-build house at Forest Lane in Wickham. 

The application, submitted by Adrian and Abigail Cator, had no objection from Wickham Parish Council and had delegated approval from the planning officers at the city council.

It received two public comments in objection and two in support. 

Andrew Burgess, managing director of Andrew Burgess Planning, said: “The planning officer recognised that this proposal has been carefully designed to relate sensitively to the surrounding area and that this is a high-quality scheme which will improve the appearance of the area. There will be no issues with parking or impact to neighbouring houses.

“Despite being outside the settlement boundary this is an accessible and sustainable location and future residents will be able to access shops and services in Wickham. It will add to the supply of self build houses in the Winchester City Council area for which there is a shortage.”

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The proposal for a self-build house on a small site satisfied a local need, increasing the supply of family housing and contributing positively to the current deficit identified in meeting Winchester’s statutory duty to deliver suitable self-build planning permissions.

The applicants intend to build a house with a high-quality appearance, using locally sourced materials, in a traditional style, in-keeping with the character of the area. Whilst the detail is to be finalised at reserved matters stage, this application provided significant context in this regard, clearly demonstrating that the proposed home will successfully integrate into the locality. 

Mr Burgess said: “This application has ticked all the boxes and it has been a pleasure to work with clients with the desire to bring forward a high-quality and sustainable proposal. As there is a great need for more self build and custom build dwellings in the Winchester City Council area. I hope to work on similar proposals soon.”