WINCHESTER is winning the battle against fly-tippers, the city council believes.

The number of fly-tipping incidents has reduced in the Winchester district over the past 12 months from 2,120 in 20/21 to 1,732 in 21/22.

Answering a question from Cllr Neil Cutler, the Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency Cllr Kelsie Learney said: "During April 2022 the city council employed a full-time fly-tipping officer working with the Contract Management Team and we have rapidly reviewed our process and systems for dealing with fly-tipping.

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"As a result, we are making improvements to our customer reporting system to make it easier for members of the public to report incidents and to receive updates on progress. We have identified regular fly-tip locations throughout the District and we have installed covert surveillance cameras which may capture vital details/evidence about offenders."

"Although it is early days the expectation is that we will see the number of offences fall further.

"The council takes a firm approach to prosecuting offenders where sufficient evidence exists and has secured one conviction in the past year with costs awarded of £325, plus a £250 compensation to a landowner. In addition, there are 7 further prosecutions pending review.”