A Kings Worthy resident has been left angry after a fly-tipping incident in Fraser Road.

Karen McCleery found the large pile of rubbish at the back of a block of flats. 

She said: “It is a disgrace and so disrespectful to the people who live nearby and have to walk past it.

“This appears to be a regular fly-tip as there are frequent piles of rubbish which build up in the same spot.” 

“Who are these people and why are they getting away with it? Why should taxpayers foot the bill for removal?

“I would be interested to know what the clear-up costs the local taxpayers and why it appears to be tolerated to the extent that it is regularly cleared. Surely identifying the culprits and prosecuting them would be a preferable solution.”

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A Winchester City Council spokesman said: “We are aware of a fly-tipping incident in Kings Worthy. Our Fly-Tipping Officer has identified witnesses and is currently assessing whether the evidence is sufficient to take the case forward to prosecution.

“Fly-tipping will not be tolerated and our teams work hard to collect robust evidence for each incident that occurs.

“We actively encourage residents to report any person seen illegally fly-tipping via the website or by calling our customer service team.”

In a report published by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs released earlier in the month, waste was dumped 1,732 times in the Winchester area last year.