A WINCHESTER student has won the science apprentice of the year award at a college awards ceremony.

Some of the UK’s top apprentices attended an awards ceremony at West Suffolk College on Friday, February 3.

The occasion celebrated the achievements of individuals ahead of a campaign called National Apprentice Week.

Ten awards were handed out in total, with Victoria Hoyland, 42, from Winchester receiving the science and dental apprentice of the year award.

Victoria - who currently works as a senior assistant technical officer at Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital Foundation Trust, manufacturing chemotherapy treatments for patients - said: “Getting the award has been a real confidence booster. It’s a proud moment for me – and my husband is also very proud.”

The awards were handed out by Sarah Howard MBE, a college governor and the first woman and first businessperson from Suffolk to be elected as the chair of the British Chamber of Commerce.

Hampshire Chronicle:

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Sarah, who is also the chair of Abbeycroft Leisure, said: “As I go around the country and see lots of successful apprenticeship schemes and apprentices – it proves to me that this educational pathway offers individuals the possibility of forging a successful career.

“I think with the current climate, apprenticeships are becoming even more relevant and important and I was delighted to be part of this event. I love to see apprentices being recognised for what they have achieved. I can talk about it all day long but to actually see it happening in person really spurs me on.”

The principal of West Suffolk College and CEO of the Eastern Colleges Group, Dr Nikos Savvas, said: “Our apprentices are shaping the future of businesses and organisations and changing the landscape for what it means to be in Further Education. It’s been very special to celebrate some fantastic achievements with these awards and acknowledge those who have grasped opportunities with strength and determination. It’s also important to recognise where businesses go above and beyond to make apprenticeships really shine - investing time, resources and expertise.

“In the current economic climate, businesses need high calibre individuals to work for them, it’s never been more important to invest in apprenticeships, and in our young people, and we applaud the companies who have been forward thinking to invest in the most important commodity they have – their staff.”