A DRUG dealer who was found to have a knife in his home is due to be sentenced next month.

Mustafa Mohamed, 20, of Halstow Road in Brent, a drug dealer in charge of a County Line running between London and Hampshire was charged on February 1 with being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs, possession of an offensive weapon in a private place, and possessing criminal property.

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After his arrest, police searched his home where they found a Zombie Knife and £6,600 cash.

The man will appear in court on March 3 for sentencing.

This follows an investigation by Hampshire Police's Serious and Organised Crime Unit, with support from the Metropolitan Police’s Operation Orochi team who specialise in targeting County Lines drugs supply.

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The investigation determined that Mohamed had been in control of the ‘Tom’ drugs line, which was operating between London and Farnborough, from August 2022 to January 2023.

Appearing at Portsmouth Magistrates Court, he admitted all of the offences, and will appear at Portsmouth Crown Court for sentencing next month.