A ROMSEY care home has had a controversial plan refused for a replacement building, due to its size.

Durban House Nursing Home, in Woodley Lane, had planned to demolish the Mountbatten Wing and build a new extension with 22 bedrooms.

However, Test Valley Borough Council's southern area planning committee turned the scheme down on January 31.

While the committee recognised the need for more beds for dementia patients, they thought it was in the wrong place and would be overbearing on the property at 35A Woodley Lane.

Objector Anne Smith said: “There have been many extensions to the care home over the years. This has caused me a great deal of stress. I have been living in my property for 60 years and I've had enough.”

Another objector Jeffery Burt said: “The street scene will be changed to the detriment of the whole road. It's too high and it's too wide. It will also mean there will be an increase in deliveries and rubbish collection on site.”

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The council received a total of 14 objections. 

Brian Giles, a supporter of the scheme, said: “There is a clear need for bed places for dementia patients. Planners have come up with a good scheme.” Mr Giles said that he visited the care home around three times a week, but he was not a local resident. 

Richard Adams, speaking on behalf of the applicant, said: “There is significant demand for dementia beds nationally. The current wing has small rooms which makes it difficult. Care needs can't be delivered in this space.”

Cllr Neil Gwynne spoke in objection. He said: “We do have a need for facilities like this, but does it have to be in this location? This application is in a narrow, residential road.”

Members of the committee had issues with the size of the building. Cllr Janet Burnage said: “Looking at this, the building is really large. I welcome what they are doing, but it's in the wrong place. 

“Parking is an issue, I walk there and people park on the pavements. This is not right for Woodley Lane.”

Cllr Sandra Gidley said: “I have sympathy for this as there is a huge need for dementia beds. However, I think this is a step too far. I think it would be out of character for Woodley Lane.”

Cllr Celia Dowden said: “I feel uncomfortable turning this down. People are living longer and we have to provide for our community.”

The committee turned the scheme down with eight voting against, one four and two abstentions.