Meon Valley MP Flick Drummond has welcomed Swanmore College students on a visit to the Houses of Parliament.

The 34 students and four teachers were met by Mrs Drummond on Wednesday, January 25, visiting the chamber of the House of Commons with her.

The group then went into a committee room for a Q&A session. Topics up for discussion included the NHS strikes and the Scottish Gender Recognition Reform Act.

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Mrs Drummond also took them into the public gallery and helped them follow the debate.

Mrs Drummond said: “It was a pleasure to have so many engaged and interested students up to Parliament to see where and how our laws are made.

“I really enjoyed the Q&A session with questions and views that were well thought out and considered. The students are a credit to the school and the wider Meon Valley.

“I believe encouraging and helping our future generations understand how Parliament works is incredibly important if we are to strengthen our democracy.”