CITY centre vandalism has decreased according to civic chiefs.

The leader of Winchester City Council, Cllr Martin Tod, was recently asked about how the recent spate of vandalism and graffiti was being tackled. 

This comes as more shops in the High Street have had their windows smashed.

Cllr Tod outlined how the council is tackling this at the full council meeting on January 18. 

He said: “We had a particular challenge with graffiti and vandalism across the city in the spring, summer and early autumn last year.

READ MORE: Windows smashed at Republic of Pizza & Desserts in Winchester

“Our initial reaction was to work with the Winchester Business Improvement District (BID) and significantly increase the resource for graffiti removal, in part using the additional budget allocated last year to Pride in Place work. 

“The council’s new street scene officer worked closely with the car parking team, BID and our special maintenance team to coordinate this work. When it became clear that a more robust intervention was needed, I called together a Pride in Place task and finish group and agreed on the need to take a more fundamental approach to tackling the wider vandalism and graffiti issues across the city. 

“As a result of partnership collaboration with both internal and external services including the police, Hampshire’s Youth Offending Team and local youth charities, a group of young people were identified as the primary perpetrators and an intervention programme was put in place. 

“This information supported the delivery of a number of immediate and diversionary interventions being put in place that included; home visits to parents by the police, additional security put into car parks, car park banning letters being issued, youth outreach, and, for one individual, referral to youth crime prevention team (YCP). 

“The partnership also made a successful application to the Police and Crime Commissioner requesting grant funding for three deployable cameras to strengthen our capability to tackle any further issues. 

“This partnership approach has had a positive effect. We have seen a significant decrease in reported incidents and a reduction in criminal damage including acts of graffiti and vandalism. Moving forward there will be a standing agenda item at the multi-agency ASB panel to ensure that any further issues are addressed if/as they arise.

“This has been a particularly good example of the power of teamwork and collaboration both inside and outside our organisation and I have written to thank the officers and external partners involved.”