A WINCHESTER man who 'adored' his family died after an accidental drug overdose, an inquest heard.

Oliver John Benson-Coakes, of Monks Road, was found dead at his home on January 14, 2022.

The inquest, at Winchester Coroners Court on January 18, heard that Mr Benson-Coakes had struggled with drug use since he was 11, but had been making steps to come off them in the month prior to his death.

The inquest heard from the 37-year-old's former wife, Victoria Benson-Coakes. In a statement read by senior coroner Christopher Wilkinson, she said: “We had a close relationship. However, there were several occasions when he would stop taking drugs, but then relapsed.”

Despite separating in 2014, the inquest heard that Mr Benson-Coakes still spent time with the family.

READ MORE: What happens at an inquest and what can the press report?

Ms Benson-Coakes said that he had been in a 'good way' in December 2021. She said: “He wanted to do the right thing. He wanted to get clean."

The inquest heard that his family lost contact with him on January 11. He was found dead in the kitchen of his home on January 14.

The inquest heard that a post mortem was carried out by consultant pathologist Dr Adnan Al-Badri. It found that he had taken drugs, including morphine, which caused respiratory depression.

Mr Wilkinson said: “The evidence shows that he was looking forward and trying to reach sobriety. He was trying to kick his drug and alcohol use. He had a very supportive relationship with his family. He was desperate to break the habit of drug use.

“He had abstained from drug and alcohol use over Christmas 2021. It is more likely than not it was an accidental overdose of drugs.”

Mr Wilkinson offered his condolences to the family and said: “My heart goes out to you as a family.”