A MAN from Southampton has been ordered to pay a total of just over £1,000 after pleading guilty to a fly-tipping incident in Chilworth. 

Ionut Codreanau, 28, of Byron Road, was invited to an interview under caution after items including cardboard boxes and wooden pallets were found dumped on Misslebrook Lane on October 25. 

Evidence found within the waste led the investigating officers to him.

At the interview, Codreanau admitted to dumping the cardboard and wooden pallets and said it was his own personal waste. 

Appearing at Southampton Magistrates’ Court on January 9, Codreanau pleaded guilty and was ordered to pay a fine of £480, a victim surcharge of £48 and costs of £548.76. 

READ MORE: Man fined for failing to help with fly-tipping investigation

Portfolio holder for environmental services, Cllr Nick Adams-King, said: “I am delighted there has been yet another successful fly-tipping prosecution in Test Valley. Dumping waste of any kind is anti-social, selfish and completely unacceptable and we ensure anyone who does so faces the consequences. We always investigate and we always prosecute once we have gathered evidence. You will face the consequences of your action if you fly tip in beautiful Test Valley.

“The household waste recycling centres across the borough are there for a reason and there are many ways for you to deposit your waste in the correct manner.”