A NEW plan for 40 homes in Romsey has been submitted, six months after a similar scheme was refused.

In June last year, Test Valley Borough Council refused a 43-home development at Oxlease Meadows.

Developer Stratland Estates has now submitted a new proposal, which has already been met with some local opposition.

The previous scheme was refused after homeowners in the neighbouring estate were made aware their streets could become through routes for site traffic as part of the construction process.

Concerns were also raised on the impact it could have on the sewage network.

On the developer's planning statement, it said: “The scheme will provide an allocation of affordable housing which is essential to meet the needs of the local area. 

“The homes will be of a high-quality design and construction, and the arrangement of the site layout will provide a strong sense of place and community.

“The architectural team has worked in conjunction with Test Valley Borough Council officers, various consultants, and advisors to create a design which responds respectfully and appropriately to the surrounding context, whilst ensuring the most efficient use of land.

“The sensitively designed proposal will enhance the character of the site and benefit the local community by providing much needed new mixed tenure housing. It is respectfully requested that officers and members of the council look favourably on this proposal and grant full planning permission.”

The developer listed the changes to the previous application. They included: reducing it from 43 to 40 houses, reduction of proposed houses to the north of the site, bring the building footprint away from existing trees, remove path cutting through the 'natural playspace' and changes to on-street parking. 

READ MORE: Controversial plan for 43-home development in Romsey refused by Test Valley planning chiefs

As of January 10, five objections had been submitted from residents of Oxlease Meadows.

Dr Kate Bishop said: “I would like to strongly object to this application which is almost the same to the application 21/02715/FULLS minus a few houses. The application represents an unjustified development in the countryside that is outside of existing settlement boundaries and building lines without good justification or an overriding need provided for doing this. 

“Indeed the development, when built, would be built considerably closer to the nature reserve and would represent a obvious and harmful intrusion into Romsey's much loved countryside.

“In addition to these general objections I wish to specifically object to access of the site being through Oxlease Meadows. The spine road through the site constitutes an unadopted private road maintained by the residents. It was not designed in a way that meets standard criteria for adoption as a public highway and as such did not need to be set widths etc. adopted by Highways regulations for safety purposes. In places it is narrow with blind bends, and therefore additional traffic from the development will represent a danger to the many children playing on the site and limit their ability to safely use the spaces such as parks.”

Kevin Wilson said: “All the reasons for rejecting that are still valid and shame on this developer for trying to bypass the appeals process by launching a new very similar application. Two plots are extremely close to the canal, closer than any plot on Oxlease Meadows and this will have a detrimental effect on the SSSI Fishlake Meadows.

“These communities will be negatively impacted on a massive scale during construction so much so that there is no way this proposal can be considered as a net benefit to the greater Romsey population. It will be a stain on Romsey during construction and afterwards.”

To view the plans online, search 22/03321/FULLS on Test Valley Borough Council's planning portal.