A WINCHESTER climate group has slammed the county council for its latest Minerals and Waste Plan.

WinACC is writing to Hampshire County Council asking them to withdraw the draft partial update as they say it 'fails to reflect the urgency of the climate emergency, fails to set out an updated vision, and fails to reflect current knowledge on global climate change and its consequences.' 

Bob Whitmarsh and David Ball, from WinACC’s science and technology advisory panel, said: “Recent academic publications have shown that to have any chance of keeping rising global temperatures below 1.5°C most fossil fuels must be kept in the ground. 

“It is clear that an appropriate course of action would be to disallow any future extraction of oil and gas from Hampshire, whether under new or existing licences. Oil and gas development in Hampshire, whether in the form of exploration, appraisal or production, should not be supported under any circumstances. To do so would implicate the Hampshire Authorities in actively condoning avoidable emissions of greenhouse gases that are driving global heating.”

Hampshire residents still have time to comment on changes to Hampshire’s Minerals and Waste Plan, with a 12 week consultation due to end on January 31.

Some of the proposed sites have already been criticised by councillors as potentially having negative impacts on the area. 

Cllr Nick Adams-King had concerns over the sites at The Triangle and Dunwood Fruit Farm.

Cllr Stephen Godfrey thought that the proposed site at Micheldever Sidings would be 'not suitable'.

READ MORE: Nick Adams-King criticises plans for mineral and sand extraction sites

Land identified would be released only if it is needed, and the planning application fully satisfies the criteria and other tests set out in the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan.

Before completing the online questionnaire, people are advised to first read the draft Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan Partial Update which can be found, with the response form, on this webpage: hants.gov.uk/minerals-waste-update.

Additionally, a response form can be downloaded from the same webpage for completing and either emailing to HMWP.consult@hants.gov.uk or posting to: Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan - Partial Update, Minerals & Waste Policy, Elizabeth II Court West, The Castle, Winchester SO23 8UQ.

A Hampshire County Council spokesman said: “The proposed changes being consulted on reflect the latest national and regional planning policies and take account of climate change considerations. The Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan aims to ensure robust safeguards are in place to protect our local environment when deciding minerals and waste planning applications. A 12 week consultation opened at the beginning of November and residents, local groups and businesses have until 31 January to comment on proposed policy updates; identified minerals and waste sites; and the underlying evidence that supports the Plan.”