A village in Hampshire has been named among the "most desirable" to live in in the UK, according to The Telegraph.

The paper selected 54 locations from across Britain, in conjunction with research from Savills, that were deemed “most desirable” in terms of costs and the lifestyle they offer.

This included Beaulieu in the New Forest area of the county.

More than half of the estate agents working for Savills across the country reported a rise in demand in the most desirable countryside locations, with 57% saying they were unable to buy where they wanted.

Hampshire Chronicle: Part of BeaulieuPart of Beaulieu (Image: Google Streetview)

Frances Clacy, analyst at Savills, told The Telegraph: “People want villages that have a bit of everything, from schools to stunning countryside, with accessibility to cities and transport infrastructure. Less well-trumpeted factors count too, such as the main road through the village should only lead to other villages.”

The full list of 54 villages on the list can be seen on The Telegraph page here.

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Beaulieu was Hampshire's representative on the list, with its appeal coming from its 16th Century high street and artisan shops among others.

It is described as "chocolate-box pretty" with further positives coming from having the New Forest on its doorstep and being near the sailing hub of Lymington.

An additional factor about Beaulieu is that it is the most expensive village in England, Wales and Scotland according to the research, with an average house price of £1,524,287.