TANKERS from Southern Water have been spotted in Owslebury after the village was without water for three days.

The village has lost water on December 21, with a driver for the water supply company blaming the issue on a combination of recent drought and a burst pipe.

Residents say that water tankers belonging to the company are currently in Hilly Close pumping water into hydrants to try to restore water to the hilltop village.

READ MORE: Southern Water restrictions: Hampshire residents left without water

Owslebury resident Susan Newell said: “It is back on now, but it is coming and going.

“I was talking to one of the drivers this morning, and in Hilly Close there are three water tankers that are pouring water into one of the main entrances of a hydrant, they are pumping it in so we can all have water.

“And I think when one tanker goes off, I think when they change pipes the water goes off for a little while and then comes on again.”

She continued: “They’re partly blaming the drought, but mainly because of the cold and the pipes that have burst everywhere, how they are getting on with repairing them I don’t know.

SEE ALSO: Hampshire residents queue for water amid Southern Water crisis

“They got here at about 11pm last night, and they started to pump; I was told the water started to come on about 2am, but when we got on at 9am we didn’t have water but then soon after that it did come on again about an hour or so later.”

The Ship Inn in Owlesbury posted on Facebook that water had been restored to the pub and that it would be opening for business.

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A spokesperson for the pub said: “The water came back this morning at about 9.30am, and since then it seems like continuous pressure, so it seems like we can operate today after three days forced closure.

“As far as I know at the moment we are running off water tanks, water tankers in the village, so we’re not sure how long the water situation will be like this.”

Despite this, nine houses on Longwood Road on the outskirts of Owslebury remain without water.

Chief customer officer for Southern Water Katy Taylor said: "We're very sorry these nine homes have had to wait so long for supplies to return.

"Our team has been working night and day and we are confident supplies will return this evening around 5pm.

"We know this is incredibly disruptive especially on Christmas Eve.”