AN EXCITING Christmas present turned into a nightmare after a £1,200 laptop was stolen and replaced with a box of washing powder.

Kieran Peris-Perez was “furious” when he opened his Amazon parcel.

Instead of the MacBook Air he'd ordered for his partner, he received a box of Daz washing detergent.

The 25-year-old from Eastleigh had opened the box to start wrapping up the present when he made the shocking discovery.

Hampshire Chronicle:

READ MORE: Man's shock as £1,500 iPhone is stolen even before he could open box

Kieran said: “I was really shocked at first, I thought someone had ordered it to our address accidentally but when I looked at the code, it matched the code of the parcel.

“For a MacBook you would think it would be very protected inside but when I took the parcel it moved around a bit but I didn’t think much of it at the time.

“I was furious, it’s such a big laugh in your face.”

Kieran immediately phoned Amazon who said it would investigate the matter. 

“I contacted Amazon straight away”, Kieran said, “but because they took all the steps to deliver it properly, they said there wasn’t much they could do.

“They said they were going to get back to me in 72 hours after investigating.”

He added: “It really is a nightmare, it makes you so angry that something like this happened and that there are people out there doing this to other people, especially at this time of the year.

“There’s Amazon workers out there swapping people’s parcels over.

“It’s a lot of money to spend on washing powder.”

In response, a spokesperson for the retail giant said they have worked with Kieran "to make things right" and that the company would be issuing a full refund.