A ROMSEY cancer charity is celebrating after receiving £2,350 worth of funding from The Screwfix Foundation.

At Romsey Cancer Support Centre, people are committed every day to guarantee emotional support, help and information to cancer patients and their families from all over Hampshire, and this includes having warm spaces to welcome them.

Sarah Rowcliffe from Romsey Cancer Support Centre said: “Thank you so much to Screwfix for supporting this project which means that the centre will be much warmer this winter. Our clients, volunteers and staff are very grateful.”

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Claire Flory, the Screwfix Foundation manager, said: “What Romsey Cancer Support Centre does is crucial for the local community. The much-needed funding used to replace two large windows at the centre with double glazed units will improve warmth and comfort for clients, volunteers, and staff. We are delighted to see that our donation has gone towards such an important project, for the benefit of those in need”.

Hampshire Chronicle:

Set up in 2013 after recognising the need to give back, The Screwfix Foundation has donated over £11m for good causes and helped over 2,300 local registered charities and not for profit organisations across the UK.

For more information, visit screwfixfoundation.com.