A GROUP of women who meet in a Hampshire village each month to make new friends, learn new skills and make a difference were visited by a wine connoisseur. 

The Somborne Sisterhood took part in a wine-tasting session at their latest meeting, at the King's Somborne village hall. 

The sisterhood often has speakers visit the group to share their knowledge.

Rebecca Rickard, a committee member, said: “We do all sorts of things. Last month, we had someone talking about farming. We’ve had people come in and do bra fittings, outdoor yoga.

“Everyone who comes in is local because we love supporting local businesses."

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The most recent visitor, Tor Reynolds, from Wild about Wine, went to help the ladies experience different types of wines and educate their palates.

She said: “I always like to show more unusual wines that people would not normally think to buy and matched these wines with food.

 “There is such a diversity of wines out there on the shelves in the supermarkets, at local wine shops and on restaurant menus but wine can be confusing and expensive.

"I like to encourage people to branch out and dabble with new grape varieties, regions, and countries as there are so many wonderful wines out there to try.”

Not only did the members and guests of Somborne Sisterhood get to take part in wine-tasting but they were also treated with canapes made by the committee of the group and took part in a raffle.

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There were nearly 30 women at the event, including seven guests.

Rebecca urged more people to join in.

She said: “We have a real range of ages [of members]. Women from their late 20s right up until their early 70s.”

It's not just social events for the sisterhood however, they also take part in a lot of community work. This year, the ladies have made the decision to swap Christmas presents for donations to Ukrainian refugees, who are living locally. In the past, they have donated feminine hygiene products to those in period poverty, as well as litter-picked around the village.

The Somborne Sisterhood is part of the Women’s Institute, and they encourage locals of King's Somborne to join as a member, or for guests to come along to a session. They meet on the first Friday of every month. 

For more information, email sombornesisterhood@gmail.com or follow @sombornesisterhood on Instagram.