A fresh public consultation is set to be held as civic chiefs look to press ahead with finding a long-awaited resolution to the future of the Bar End Depot.

The city council is once again asking people living and working in the Highcliffe area to share their views on the potential uses of the site. 

The depot – which has formed part of a more extensive engagement process in recent years – is now vacant and no longer needed by the authority.

Covering some 2.8 acres and located between Winchester Sport & Leisure Park and Milland Road, it forms an important gateway to the city along the southeastern side.

Plans to market the site were approved by Cabinet in October 2020, but the pandemic put the initiative on hold for a year.

The Highcliffe community was invited to comment upon the council’s revised marketing strategy in March this year at an event held at the Winchester Sport & Leisure Park.

READ MORE: Council receives tentative response from city residents on future of Bar End Depot

‘Stage One’ marketing was undertaken during the summer of 2022 and attracted a long list of almost 50 expressions of interest.

The council says these uses will now be assessed in terms of the economic, social, and financial benefits they are likely to contribute.

It is planning to share an overview of these uses at a community drop-in event on Thursday, November 24 in the foyer of Winchester Sport & Leisure Park.

Running from 3pm to 8pm, the event will provide an opportunity to meet "key members" of the council’s delivery team for the depot and to understand the potential uses which could include:

  • Retail outlets, including a convenience store
  • Different types of homes, including retirement or senior living accommodation
  • Light industrial and other employment uses
  • Healthcare provision (any facility would be private but would cater for NHS patients)
  • A mix of uses

Cllr Martin Tod, Leader and Cabinet Member for Asset Management at Winchester City Council, said: "We’ve had a very encouraging response from a wide range of partners outlining potential uses for the Depot site.

"Now we want to hear from local people about the different options so that we can reflect their views in the next stage of the project.

"We’re particularly keen to hear from people who live or work in Highcliffe, but everyone is very welcome to come along and find out more.”

Hobbs Rehabilitation has already expressed an interest in turning one-third of the site into a neurological rehabilitation centre.

Representatives attended the last consultation and spoke to residents about its potential bid.

For those unable to attend the event in person, the council is encouraging people to visit its website, which will go live with information on the same day.

You can also submit a feedback form online until Thursday, December 8, or alternatively, send feedback via email to bar-end@winchester.gov.uk.

Those without access to the internet should write to the address below and the council will arrange for the materials to be sent out in the post.

Bar End Engagement

Estates Department, Winchester City Council

City Offices, Colebrook Street



SO23 8LJ

The Highcliffe Community Plan and Bar End Framework which cover the wider Bar End area set out ways that the site could provide a range of complementary uses that support the priorities included in the Council Plan 2020-2025.

Following a decision, the aim is for the council to bring forward a planning application within 12-to-18 months of a preferred bidder or bidders being selected.