ART studies have returned to Winchester city centre after an absence of many decades.

Southampton University has taken over part of the Guildhall, originally the home of Winchester School of Art from Victorian times.

Post-Covid the city council no longer needs so much space in its main civic building.

The art school moved out decades ago to relocate in the 1960s to a new campus on Park Avenue, next to North Walls Recreation Ground.

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Now from this term it is home to Southampton University's International Home for Fashion Futures, part of the School of Art.

Many people have been surprised that the University of Winchester did not take over the space.

In a statement Winchester University said: "The University has always said that it is keen to have conversations with the City Council about space in the city. This is particularly important as our work to support local businesses and community groups continues to grow and as we offer new courses, such as nursing, to support the needs within our local health service and other key public sectors”.