MORE Ukrainian refugees have arrived in Andover amid warnings from charities that extra support is needed to prevent refugees from becoming homeless. 

Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in March, refugees from the war have been invited to stay in the UK under the Ukrainian Sponsorship and Family schemes.

These schemes set up refugees with hosts for an initial six months, who receive support from their local council and a stipend of £350.

New figures from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) show 364 Ukrainian refugee households due in Test Valley – from 460 successful applications – had arrived in the UK by October 4 under the sponsorship scheme.

This was up from 346 arrivals on September 6, when 446 visas had been issued.

In the month to October 4, 96,800 refugees had arrived in the UK. The figures come amid warnings from charities about surging homelessness across England as the cost of living increases, and the initial six-month hosting period comes to an end for many.

Separate DLUHC figures show 1,915 households across England had been made homeless or put at risk of homelessness across both refugee schemes as of September 23 – up 22 per cent from 1,565 four weeks earlier – although Test Valley Borough Council did not submit data on homelessness for the month.

Of those facing homelessness nationally, 1,335 households – or 70 per cent – had dependent children, with homelessness being avoided or relieved in only around a third of cases.

A spokesperson for Hampshire County Council said: “Across Hampshire, we are seeing increasing pressure on local housing authorities for a number of reasons, including the fact that a growing number of Homes for Ukraine hosts who signed up to the Government’s scheme have come, or are coming to the end of their initial six-month accommodation sponsorship.

“The county council continues to work with Hampshire’s district and borough councils, who have local responsibility for housing, to check in with hosts and guests at the six-month point. This is helping to identify when guests may wish or need to move on and any support that may be required, such as assistance into private rental accommodation or re-matching with a new host."

The county council has recently increased the amount paid to hosts by £200 for the next five months to reflect the current cost of living crisis. 

A spokesperson for Test Valley Borough Council added: "We work closely with hosts and guests to help sustain sponsorships or facilitate a move to alternative accommodation.  A number of support Hubs will be commencing shortly to provide further support and advice on a range of topics including options around housing.  We have a dedicated Ukraine Support Team in addition to our Housing Options Team.  The Council has a legal responsibility to prevent homelessness wherever possible and work with anyone who needs help." 

Anyone threatened with or concerned they are at risk of homelessness can contact the Housing Options Team, or the Ukraine Support Team on 01264 368000.