Two houses will not be built in a rural Hampshire village after planning permission was refused.

Tom Francis applied for two houses with two garages on land to the south of Abingdon, High Street, in Shirrell Heath.

However, Winchester City Council planning officers recommended to its planning committee that the plans be refused, on the grounds that the houses did not fit in with the character of the area.

The houses would have been three-bed and detached.

The reason it was brought before the planning committee, on October 19, was that it had 14 supporting comments from local residents saying it was in character with the area and that the houses were well designed.

But Shedfield Parish Council objected strongly. Cllr Sam Charles said: “The parish council supports the recommendation of the planning officer. It would be a travesty if this was approved and could set a precedent for other houses to be built. The residents should be able to enjoy living in a village with a country feel.

“It's our duty to be responsible for the community as a whole.”

READ MORE: New plan submitted for development in historic area of Romsey after previous refusal

The applicant, Mr Francis said: “The houses have been designed to be identical due to the contextual analysis of the village. This has 14 supporting comments from people in the village. The majority of those live very close to the application site. When is the last time you saw an application for local housing with so much support? If you refuse the plan, I will appeal. But this will mean I will have to lay off 11 people at a really bad time.”

The planning officer, Jordan Wiseman clarified the reasons why it was recommended for refusal. He said: “It doesn't complement the area. It's not in keeping with the rest of the village for them to be identical.”

Cllr Jane Rutter said: “This is absolutely clear cut. This proposes to build new houses in the countryside. I wholeheartedly support the officer's recommendation.”

Cllr Therese Evans, the committee's chairman, said: “I find the buildings very obtrusive.”

The plans were refused by members, unanimously.