Steve Brine MP urged ministers to stick with the Active Travel Fund as he praised the success of various cycle schemes in Winchester.

Mr Brine recently saddled and joined the Twyford & Colden Common school cycle bus as well as Cycle Winchester's sixth Mass Ride with his son, William.

During the ride, council leader Martin Tod revealed Winchester is aiming to be one of just four bids chosen for a mini-Holland scheme, designed to make individual neighbourhoods safer and more attractive for those wanting to use a bike.

Speaking at the House of Commons, Mr Brine said: "Earlier this month 250 cyclists took part, including me, in the Cycle Winchester mass ride around the city, and during conference recess, I took part in the school cycle bus from Twyford into Winchester as it was a potentially better use of my time.

"We're excited by the mini-Holland schemes that are already invested in Hampshire and in a few weeks' time, I will be taking a walk around the city to see the work we have done investing in plans for that. 

READ MORE: Hundreds take part in Mass Cycle ride in Winchester

"So, could the minister tell me whether the government is committed to the Active Travel Fund and when the fourth traunch of applications to it will open?"

Minister of State at the Department for Transport (DfT), Lucy Frazer, replied: "I'm delighted to hear about the Honourable Member's active travel, and I remember as well he has a very impressive company in his constituency which converts bicycles into electric bicycles.

"Of course, announcements in relation to the fourth fund will be considered and made in due course."

Ms Frazer recently warned that a minimum of £4.4 billion was needed to meet the government's 2025 target for cycling and walking – around a further £600 million more than the amount currently allocated.