EIGHT people from Hampshire have been arrested in London following the latest of a string of protests which have seen the capital brought to a standstill. 

They were among 25 Just Stop Oil supporters who blocked traffic in central London seventh day running on on Friday, October 8.

Activists are demanding that the Government commits to ending all new oil and
gas projects in the UK.

Several groups blocked roads near Vauxhall Bridge by sitting down with banners and gluing themselves to the road.

The demonstration sparked furious scenes with many residents and commuters attempting to drag people from the road.

Hampshire Chronicle: One of the protestors being pulled from the road | Just Stop OilOne of the protestors being pulled from the road | Just Stop Oil (Image: Just Stop Oil)

Delivery driver Phil Snider, 37, from Southampton, was one of those arrested. He said: “I’m taking action because I looked at the science, read the quotes from Sir David King and the UN and was horrified.

"It makes me sick to see climate disasters in the paper – I’ve realised people are suffering now in countries that haven’t even contributed to this catastrophe, and that young people here will also suffer.

"Food shortages cause wars and societal collapse. The government needs to get a grip and stop all new oil production, tax the wealthy and corporations that have caused this disaster and go full pelt in the direction of green energy.”

Sophie Cardinal, 29, an ecologist from Gosport, was also put in cuffs. She said: "I refuse to sit by while our government and fossil fuel companies place profits above human life and the beautiful animals on this earth.

"I’m doing this for my six-year-old niece and for all the children, so I can look them in the eye and say I did all I could. We need to stop all new oil and gas now and make this world safe for humans and wildlife.’

The blockades this month are timed to coincide with the planned launch
of a new round of oil and gas licensing.

About 130 new licenses for oil and gas projects are likely to be awarded.

Just Stop Oil’s occupation of Westminster also comes amid and an energy price hike on October 1 which means almost eight million households are expected to fall into fuel poverty by April 1, 2023, while energy companies are accused of making huge profits.

Quenton Kelley, a 63-year-old seaman from Portsmouth, said just before his arrest: “My city is building a 20-mile wall to protect itself from sea level rises yet this government is planning on making sea rises more likely! I grew up in Africa where my friends are already suffering the effects of climate change. Politicians are failing to protect us”.

Supporters of Just Stop Oil have vowed to continue the disruption until
the government makes a statement that it will end all new oil and gas
projects in the UK.

A spokesperson from the group said: “This is not a one-day event, this is an act of resistance against a criminal government and their genocidal death project.

"We should be halting all new gas and oil production not adding to our problems. Our supporters will be returning today, tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day after that, and every day until our demand is met – no new oil and gas in the UK."

The group has said it will be returning to Downing Street at 11am every day during October. It added: "We will not be intimidated by changes to the law, even when the government uses private injunctions to try to silence peaceful people.

"Our supporters understand that the government should be doing all it can
to protect us from a frightening future. Stand with our supporters in prison and the 1,700 people murdered across the globe for trying to protect our futures.

"It’s going to take all of us, people like you, your friends, colleagues and neighbours to stop this madness. So step up and take action. Join our weekly zoom calls on Tuesday at 7pm. The time to stand by has passed.”

There have been over 1,400 arrests relating to Just Stop Oil actions
since the campaign began on April 1 this year.