TWO dogs let off the lead in a cemetery cost one couple nearly £500 at the vets to save their terrier.

A couple from Romsey were walking their dog and visiting a relative’s grave when their dog was attacked by an Alsation and a Rottweiler in Woodley Cemetery in Braishfield Road.

Despite a sign at the entrance that reads “please keep your dog on a lead at all times” the guilty owner had let his dogs run free and thrown a ball for them before they diverted towards a much smaller dog and its owner.

Hampshire Chronicle:

The Tibetan terrier was left shaking, bloodied and in need of veterinary attention. The damage equated to a £475 vet bill covering sedation, treatment, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, a large buster collar and a medication cream to help heal the bites and puncture wounds.

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Hampshire Chronicle:

The vets, at the service in Milbrook Road, sedated and shaved the dog so they could fully examine the damgage. Most of the injurries incurred were to the dog's rear end and will require further attention at follow up appointments.

The couple have reported the incident, which happened on Thursday evening, September 29, to the Police and the Test Valley dog warden who has recorded the case and said they’d try to find the guilty party.

The Romsey dog owner, who asked to remain anonymous, said: “Woodley Cemetery is a place that people go to see their loved ones. You don’t expect to see two great big dogs with their owner who has thrown a ball, taken them off the lead and then running towards you to attack you and your dog.

“It was so quick. It could have been a lot worse than it was, it was only the fact that I was able to kick his dogs a couple of times and I got knocked over so I shielded my dog the best I could.

“I thought we were going to die. I thought that those dogs were going to go for me. When I fell over that’s what protected me and my dog a bit. It was a frightening thing to see those two dogs snarling and biting and yapping and growling. If I had a gun, I would have shot them because they were completely out of control.”

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When the pair of hounds started to attack, the walker’s wife shouted to the other owner “why aren’t these dogs on leads, they need muzzles” but received no reply.

The couple are now asking anyone who may know of the dogs and the owner to come forward. They added: “These dogs are dangerous. It could well have been my grandchildren and we could be looking at a completely different story.

“The cemetery should be a safe place, a place of peace, solitude and a place for people to gather memories.”

A spokesperson for Test Valley Borough Council said: “This was an incredibly upsetting incident for the gentleman and his dog. This is an ongoing investigation and any person who has information about the identity of the dog owner is asked to contact Test Valley Borough Council on 01264 368000.

“It is important that dog owners act responsibly and have measures in place to ensure that their dogs are kept under control. 

“Where dogs are out of control and a dog has been injured, Test Valley Borough Council works with dog owners and other agencies, including Hampshire Police, to ensure that measures are put in place to reduce the likelihood of a similar incident occurring again.

“In more serious incidents, where injuries to a person occur, or a repeat offender is involved, Hampshire Police will normally lead the investigation.”