THE 30-mile-long tractor trail is raising money for charities that have impacted members of the young farmers club.

On October 29 the South East Hants Young Farmers Club will be hosting its annual tractor run, raising money Alzheimer's Society and Bowel Cancer UK.

Each year the club chooses a charity close to members’ hearts. Alzheimer's Society was picked by a member who recently had a family member diagnosed with the disease. Meanwhile, Bowel Cancer UK was a collective choice as former member died of the cancer last year.

This year’s route will start at Stroudwood Farm in Upham on the B2177 at 9am. Before passing through Fair Oak, Botley, Bishops Waltham high street, Wickham Square, Mick’s Monster Burgers, Southwick High Street, Denmead High Street and finishing at The Chairmakers Arms in Hambledon at approximately 2pm.

Hampshire Chronicle:

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Last year, the event attracted 40 tractors, including members from the South East and other Hampshire young farmers clubs and a couple of local drivers.

This is Thomas Gregory’s second year as organiser, with the 21-year-old hoping that the event will only get better in terms of fundraising and turnout.

In 2021, the club raised more than £4000 for the MS Society a year on from when Thomas’ mum was diagnosed with the lifelong condition.

On October 20, the club is set to welcome the society to present the £4100 cheque and hear more about multiple sclerosis.

Thomas, from Bishop’s Waltham, said: “No one really understands what MS is and until I found out about it, I didn’t really know. My mum was diagnosed with a stroke first.

“The charities we choose we then try to learn more about by having the people come in and talk to us. People from other clubs in Hampshire can come along as well. It’s nice to get people to know about the causes we’re raising money for at such a young age.

“I never thought we’d get more than £4000, never in a million years did I think we would get that much money. That’s the most we have ever raised out of all our tractor runs. This year I would like to match if not double the total.”

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The event, starting in Upham is open to friends, families and locals to come along, while anyone with a tractor is able to pay to participate.

Hampshire Chronicle:

The tractor run will conclude at The Chairmakers in Hambledon with a raffle draw. Spectators are welcomed to take photos in and with the tractors as well as buying hotdogs, burgers and raffle tickets before the tractor run begins.

To donate to the event and see the full schedule go to

The South East Hants Young Farmers Club brings together people aged 13 to 25 who live in the surrounding countryside. For more on the young farmers club within Hampshire, including the South East Hants group, go to