People are being warned of future night-time disruption in Winchester city centre as the county council prepares to replace paving slabs.

This will be the second time in two years that residents will face the prospect of sleepless night after the city's electrical infrastructure was upgraded in February last year.

Hampshire County Council will be replacing the slabs on Southgate Street from September 26 with the work expected to last eight weeks. 

During this time, the road will be closed for through traffic from 7pm-6am each day.

This is part of Operation Resilience, the county council's long-term strategy to make Hampshire's roads more resilient to the effects of extreme weather and heavy traffic.

READ MORE: SSEN night roadworks in Winchester cause residents distress

A spokesman said: "In order for the work to be completed as quickly as possible, residents are being asked to ensure that no vehicles are parked on the road in the vicinity of the works while they are in progress. Any vehicles left parked on the road that prevent work taking place, face the risk of being removed.

"If residents or businesses require vehicular access during the works, access will be maintained via St Clement Street. If urgent vehicle access is required through the works area, drivers must follow instructions given by the operatives on site. Pedestrian access will be available at all times."

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