Residents of three care homes joined voices with the local community to benefit the Alzheimer’s Society.

Colten Care specialist dementia home St Catherines View staged a concert at Christ Church in Winchester, raising over £750 through ticket sales and donations from the event.

Colten Companion Naomi Rides said: “Our residents just love to sing and so we recently formed our own 25-strong choir with residents from two other Colten homes, Abbotts Barton here in Winchester and Braemar Lodge in Salisbury.

“I raised money for the Alzheimer’s Society by taking part in its 26-mile walk and some of the residents said they wanted to help too, so, we decided to stage a concert.

“Even though this was the first time we have performed officially as a choir it was a great success with a variety of people coming along.”

The concert featured a saxophone quartet, oboist, singers and a varied selection of popular songs including Any Dream Will Do, Catch a Falling Star and the Skye Boat Song all, which were sung by the choir.

Michael Scott attended with his wife Ann, who is a resident at St Catherines View.

Hampshire Chronicle:

He said: “Music seems more than anything else to nurture memories. 

“Since my wife, who is living with dementia went into residential care, I’ve read a lot about how music helps in caring.

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“This concert was to see that working.  Favourite songs sung with enthusiasm by the residents and their rhythms enjoyed. The beauty of instrumental pieces and the magic of a lovely young soprano voice.

“Thank you to the team who prepared and organised the concert. We look forward to the next one.”

Hampshire Chronicle:

Colten Care’s music and arts partner Fiona Pritchard was the conductor for the event.

She said: “For people with dementia, music and singing can be a powerful way to trigger positive feelings and connect with other people.

“We also recorded the concert so the choir and their fellow residents could watch it in full later.

“There was a huge buzz throughout St Catherines View as we watched it again in all its glory on screen.”

To donate to St Catherines View’s fundraising for the Alzheimer’s Society visit: –