A WINCHESTER man has raised nearly £1,400 by tackling an epic 600-mile cycle challenge to support a cancer charity for young people.

Max Goulden completed the gruelling Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust’s Largs to Cowes 'Brighter Futures' Cycle Challenge from the west coast of Scotland to the Isle of Wight over eight days in June.

Max, 40, a fisheries consultant for MacAlister Elliott & Partners, said: “I wanted to participate in a fundraising event for the trust because it’s a great charity and I have previous family experience with cancer. The Largs to Cowes cycle ride sounded like a good idea at the time.”

Following a tough start to the challenge in the rain at Largs, the determined cyclists - comprising trust supporters and young people who have benefited from the charity’s work - finished in Cowes on Friday, June 14, where they were welcomed by Dame Ellen MacArthur.

The Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust inspires young people aged 8-24 to believe in a brighter future living through and beyond cancer. For many young people, picking up where they left off before their diagnosis isn’t possible. So, when treatment ends, the trust’s work begins.

Max was one of nine riders who signed up to pedal the full cycle challenge route through Scotland, Cumbria, Yorkshire and Cheshire, then on to Ironbridge, Somerset and Wiltshire to the south coast.

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Max juggled work and family commitments with training and as many big bike rides as possible in the run up to his Largs-Cowes adventure, which saw the team cycling 75-80 miles a day through all weather conditions.

The camaraderie of the group saw the team pulling together to help each other through the toughest days and up the many hills along the way. The picturesque but demanding route between the Trust's bases in Largs and Cowes encompassed a number of endurance climbs, including the world-renowned Fleet Moss ascent in the Yorkshire Dales.

The Largs to Cowes challenge has so far raised more than £21,300 for the Trust and its work with young people thanks to the dedication of the riders who took part.

To donate go to justgiving.com/fundraising/Max-Goulden

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