Winchester Cathedral's resident peregrine has eaten the first egg she laid, but laid her second the following day.

Winnie the Peregrine laid her first egg of 2022 on March 15, however on March 19 she had eaten it. But on the morning of March 20, she laid her second of the year.

At around 11.30am, Winnie laid the latest egg and proceeded to sit on it to keep it warm and protected. 

Keith Betton, chairman of the Hampshire Ornithological Society, said in a Facebook post on March 19: “After a sad start to the day with Winnie eating her first egg of 2022, I thought I'd focus on the future. I am sure she won't give up - she's bound to lay more eggs in the week ahead, and she hasn't wasted all that useful calcium, she has recycled it.”

READ MORE: New egg for Winchester's Peregrine falcons

Winnie, who had at least 25 chicks with her late mate Chester, returned to the ledge of cathedral at the start of February.

Hampshire Chronicle: Winnie the Peregrine, by Sheila Anne Williams

However, for the first time in years, Winnie, who hatched another three Peregrine chicks in 2021, was flying solo after her mate Chester died in May last year.

But in a befitting Valentines twist, Winnie the Peregrine found a new male in mid February, who has since been named ‘William’ by the Winchester Cathedral team.

Winchester Cathedral have two camera's set up to monitor the peregrines.

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