SIR: Andrew Rutter (Chronicle, February 17) with all his professional experience and local knowledge makes a timely contribution as to City Bridge and what has to be done. With pedestrians all the time trying to pass one another and stepping into the road or teetering on the kerb trying to cross with cars in convoy going by, there is a constant risk of a fatality or serious injury.

However, neither Andrew Rutter or anyone as far as I know has proposed the obvious solution. It is an ancient bridge yes but lives matter and urgent consideration should be given to moving the stone balustrade on the Weirs side say two feet sideways so that the pavement would then be wide enough for pedestrians to pass one another safely. That is structurally perfectly feasible and would avoid the intrusive eyesore of an adjoining footbridge. Some of course would shriek ' sacrilege ' . Not so. It would look precisely as it does today but slightly wider and would meet modern needs. With appropriate consents it can be done.

Roger Davey,

Rosemary Close,



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