Plans to create a holiday cottage in Soberton have been approved by Winchester City Council's planning committee.

The site is on the land adjacent to Northfield House on Station Road and will also provide two car parking spaces to be used by people using the holiday cottage, which will be created by extended an existing building.

A neighbour to the site, Ian Miller, presented objections to the proposal on behalf of several Soberton residents. He pointed out that the application had received letters of objection from 25 address in Soberton and that the 11 supporting letters were from people who didn't live in the village.

Mr Miller said: “The bridleway (the site entrance) has been the scene of many crimes including: theft, damage to property, assault, dangerous driving, verbal abuse, vandalism and harassment.”

Soberton Parish Councillor Neil Findlay said: “The applicant doesn't have permission to use the existing site access adjacent to the bridleway as means to access the new use.”

The applicant, Ms Griffiths, currently uses the site for her pony trekking business.

The agent acting on the applicant's behalf, Ian Donohue, explained that the business has been running for many years and that the proposal was a modest extension.

Cllr Michael Read had reservations about the proposals.

He said: “This reminds me of an application for something very similar at Newtown when the planning committee members refused.

“I just have too many concerns over this to support the recommendations to approve. I don't think this is an appropriate structure.”

Cllr Frank Person agreed, saying: “In my opinion there isn't enough information there for me to make an informed decision.”

Cllr Jane Rutter, who chaired the planning committee meeting, was more favourable to the application's proposal.

She said: “I am happy to support this application. I think we do need more holiday accommodation in the South Downs and this is what this is providing.”

The application was approved with five votes for, three against and one abstaining.